Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Quick Update

Hey everyone! So sorry for the absence, been busy taking care of the North American championships, Hawaii's tournament (which from Mike Shriver's photos, was a huge success!) and recently getting covers ready for Worlds! I even received orders from Tokyo to Australia! The MPLS club recently loaded up with a ton of sweet covers which you will get to see at Worlds. St. Pete's "Septembeard" tournament is also nabbin' a few covers for prizes.

Giving you all a heads up, I will be attending Worlds! Just for Saturday and Sunday, not going to play but I will be there to watch and mingle. So please, introduce yourself, and if you have any questions or comments let me know! I would love to hear from you guys.

Once World's is over, I will be doing another photo dump of all of the Jinxy cover sightings all the way back from Portland. Before I forget, if you received a Calgary wheel cover, I would love to get some photos if you are using it on your bike.

Another reminder/heads up to all yous, I also print decals, and lately those seem to be the most popular order. 100 2.5" stickers for $35 aint too shabby. 2.5" might seem a little small, but trust me, these are the perfect size for helmets and bikes. If you are going to Worlds, keep you eyes open for my limited run of 100 and if you are playing, you will be getting either a 1, 2 or 3 on your helmet.

So for the time being, check out these great videos. Northern Standard has a very important update on their product, so take a look. If you haven't already seen it, Rawbie has a new video from their polo retreat up north, and Mr. Do posted up some home movies of his trip to Ladies Army.

Northern Standard Update on Vimeo.

Rawbie Boardz - EP7 - Pender Bender from Ken Regehr on Vimeo.

Home Movies: Thursday LA3 from Mr.Do on Vimeo.

See ya at Worlds!