Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Vegas, Baby

Las Vegas Bike Polo is one of the leagues newer groups. Recently, they attended Polomania in Sacramento, and boy, did they have some crazy fun. Vegas kids sure know how to party.

Since their first(?) far away tournament attendance, they now have the Tourney Bug. Yes it is contagious, and the only cure for it, is 6 months of planning, sponsor gathering and booze hording. Vegas is now in the works of planning their very own tournament. So for all of you snow birds, keep a look out for a winter tournament in the greatest city in the world.

Vegas cats sure do have some style too. Check out what they rolled in on for Polomania!

Those are poker chips wheel covers. How perfect!
Stylish and simple 
I can't wait for a better excuse to hit Vegas up. They plan on scheduling around InterBike so there won't be any conflict. I think once World's is all over with and everyone is trapped indoors because of 6 feet of snow, Vegas will be there to warm us up, get us plastered and show us a really great time, all of which will of course, stay in Vegas.

Speaking of Polomania, my wheel covers finally arrived Monday morning and will be dished out accordingly to Joe. So those of you who won, or purchased covers, gimme pics! I really wish I was there, and I hope sooner than next year's Polomania, will I be able to visit ya'll in Sac. There is a huge thank you coming your way. To everyone else, just keep your eyes open at NA or Worlds.

More pics from Polomania, by Ashley


1 comment:

  1. how awesome, thanks jinxy!! :) hope to meet you in vegas!
